BKK Public

Contribution, Benefits and Service

BKK public is a health insurance fund that offers a wide range of services to its members. It places great emphasis on prevention and health promotion, and works closely with its customers to find individual solutions.

BKK Public
Thiestraße 15
38226 Salzgitter

Number of insured: 5,001 (01.01.2024)
Membership possible in: Hamburg, Niedersachsen, Nordrhein-Westfalen (Nordrhein)

Contribution rate: 15.80 %
Contribution rate for employees: 7.90 %


Number of branch offices: 5
Customer telephone: 05341/405-600
Medical advice hotline: 05341/405-600
Employer hotline: 05341/405-600

Website: http://www.bkk-public.de

Email: service@bkk-public.de
Tel: 05341/405-600
Fax: 05341 - 405405

E-mail complaints office: beschwerde@bkk-public.de
Telephone complaints office: 0 53 41/ 40 53 93


Here you will find - in German - a detailed description of benefits and services provided by BKK Public that go beyond what is required by law.

To the profile of benefits and services in German