Contribution, Benefits and Service
BKK VDN is a health insurance fund that provides its members with comprehensive medical care and places particular emphasis on prevention and health promotion. In addition to statutory benefits, it also offers its insureds a wide range of additional benefits and services.
BKK VDNRosenweg 15
58239 Schwerte
Number of insured: 30,822
Membership possible in:
Hamburg, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Nordrhein-Westfalen (Nordrhein), Nordrhein-Westfalen (Westfalen), Sachsen
Contribution rate: 17.79 %
Contribution rate for employees: 8.90 %
Join the BKK VDN online - quickly and conveniently.
Number of branch offices: 1
Customer telephone: 02304 - 98260
Medical advice hotline: 02304 - 98260
Employer hotline: 02304 - 98260
Website: http://www.bkk-vdn.de
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bkkvdn/
Email: info@bkk-vdn.de
Tel: 02304 - 98260
Fax: 02304 - 9826500
E-mail complaints office: beschwerde@bkk-vdn.de
Telephone complaints office: 0 23 04/9 82 65 55
Here you will find - in German - a detailed description of benefits and services provided by BKK VDN that go beyond what is required by law.
To the profile of benefits and services in German