IKK Südwest

Contribution, Benefits and Service

As a regional statutory health insurance provider for Hesse, Rhineland-Palatinate, and Saarland, IKK Südwest focuses on being close to its customers and offering personal consultations. IKK Südwest sits above the market average, particularly in its coverage of alternative medicines and dental care, and its bonus programs.

IKK Südwest
Europaallee 3 – 4
66113 Saarbrücken

Number of insured: 641,373 (01.10.2024)
Membership possible in: Hessen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Saarland

Contribution rate: 17.85 %
Contribution rate for employees: 8.92 %

Join the IKK Südwest online - quickly and conveniently.

Here, you can quickly and conveniently apply for IKK Südwest. Simply fill out the online form. Your data is secure: it is transmitted in encrypted form.


Number of branch offices: 17
Customer telephone: 0800/0 119 119 (24 Std., 365 Tage)
Medical advice hotline: 0800/0 119 000 (24 Std, 365 Tage)
Employer hotline: 06 81/3876-2555

Website: https://www.ikk-suedwest.de/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IKK.Suedwest/

Email: info@ikk-suedwest.de
Tel: 06 81/3876-1000
Fax: 06 81/3876-2799


Here you will find - in German - a detailed description of benefits and services provided by IKK Südwest that go beyond what is required by law.

To the profile of benefits and services in German

Further Documentation