BKK ProVita
Contribution, Benefits and Service
The BKK ProVita is a health insurance fund that promotes healthy and sustainable living, with a special focus on vegetarian and vegan nutrition. It supports its members in transitioning to a plant-based diet and provides comprehensive information on healthy and sustainable living.
The BKK ProVita is also committed to environmental protection and implements sustainable business practices.
BKK ProVitaMünchner Weg 5
85232 Bergkirchen
Number of insured: 122,779
Membership possible nationwide.
Contribution rate: 17.49 %
Contribution rate for employees: 8.74 %
Join the BKK ProVita online - quickly and conveniently.
Number of branch offices: 10
Customer telephone: 0800 6648808
Medical advice hotline: 0800 6648808
Employer hotline: 08131 61330310
Website: http://www.bkk-provita.de
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bkkprovita/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bkkprovita
Email: info@bkk-provita.de
Tel: 0800 6648808
Fax: 08131 6133-2290
E-mail complaints office: andreas.seidenberger@bkk-provita.de
Telephone complaints office: 0 81 31/61 33 20 10
Here you will find - in German - a detailed description of benefits and services provided by BKK ProVita that go beyond what is required by law.