What Does Private Health Insurance Cost?
Many different health insurance plans, big differences in cost
Private health insurance providers normally offer a low-cost, a mid-range “comfort”, and a premium health insurance plan. The excellent level of services that privately insured persons expect is usually guaranteed by the comfort and premium plans. But even the level of benefits of the lowest level of insurance is generally better than that of statutory health insurance.
Private health insurance plans (called tariffs in Germany) can be divided into these three performance categories:
- Basic: Good benefits – Low premiums
- Comfort: Very good benefits – Affordable
- Premium: Best benefits – Fair price
Here you can get a first indication of the costs of the different tariffs. Please note that for employees, the employer pays half of the contributions up to a maximum of [TextbausteinId=HoechsterArbeitgeberanteilPKV] euros. The price ranges given here are calculated for a healthy 35-year-old. Generally, the younger the person, the lower the premiums.
- Basic: 350 to 550 euros per month
- Comfort: 450 to 700 euros per month
- Premium: 550 to 900 euros per month
With our private health insurance comparison calculator, you can determine the actual cost for your individual case. As you get older, the level of benefits you need often rises. Even if you initially choose a cheaper tariff, you should make sure you can "upgrade" to a higher tariff without a health check.
Private health insurance companies can decide who they choose to insure. This results in a more favorable risk structure than with statutory health insurance. For this reason, private health insurance premiums are generally lower than statutory health insurance contributions for individuals who earn above the compulsory insurance threshold. However, since in the private sector, each insured person requires a separate contract, private health insurance may be more expensive for families.
Private health insurance premiums are calculated according to risk. They do not decrease with a loss of income. Only those with a sufficient income long-term should take out private health insurance. With statutory health insurance, contributions are calculated according to income: those who earns more pay more, and those who earn less pay less.
Private comprehensive health insurance: Request a comparison
We are happy to determine your specific private health insurance costs. Here you can request a comparison, consultation, and a quote free of charge and obligation-free.